Saturday, March 22

the best thing about being sick

Please don't cast judgement on the germiness of our home or the wimpiness of our bodies.

Yes. we are sick. again. And SICK of being sick. Very sick of it all.

Amidst my 103 degree fevers I had one bright spot however.

You see Graham's friend, and schoolmate that he sits next to is sick too. His mom called to let me know that he had strep throat. So I went a dug up a flashlight, with batteries that actually work, which is no small feet in our house. I found Graham and said I needed to look in his throat.

I clicked the flashlight on and Graham said

"Oh I know what you are going to do. You are going to check my TESTICLES!"

We all had a much needed giggle. And, that is the one and only good thing about being sick.

Taste buds on your tongue, tonsils in your throat and testicles no where near any of that.


Matt 8:26 AM  

Too funny! Perfect way to start my Monday morning :)

Hope you all get better soon.

Anonymous 1:32 PM  

Hope you get better soon.

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