Tuesday, March 18

my number one

What I am about to say is meant in the most loving way possible.
Alright so it's not, but I'm still going to post it, because I want to make sure you all know every detail of my life. The fun times, the annoyed times, the times you just don't get.

My husband, or my #1 for the rest of this post is annoyed by the fact that I use too many dish clothes each day. Let me repeat it....too many dish clothes. Confused yet?? me too.

I think a little background information is needed before we continue here. I have 3 kids. If your reading this, I hope you already know that. And, those 3 before mentioned children are messy. Maybe even slobs. But, I would expect no less considering the youngest is entertained by painting herself with food each mealtime, the middle one loves to paint her entire body with paint, glue and glitter and the oldest encourages them with full belly laughs at the silliness. Messiness takes lots and lots of dish clothes. Now the messiness in our house is most times so overwhelming that I tackle the big spills and tune out the rest. I plan on getting to all the books pulled off the shelf, to the spilt crackers on the floor and to the never ending laundry pile but let me take a break and read my favorite blogs first.

So #1 arrives home from work. The kids attack him and watch as his eyes scan the room going from mess to mess. And, magically by the time I'm done cooking dinner, giving the kids baths and helping with homework they've all disappeared. (Please note none of the before mentioned activities are self indulgent or lazy) I think #1 would claim he had to pick them up or he would go crazy, I just roll my eyes.

Back to those frivolously used dish clothes. My #1, on more than once occasion, has uttered the words "I do 75% of the cleaning." He's even gone so far to say that he does almost ALL OF IT.

So, I have just one question for him. If HE, my #1, is doing ALMOST ALL of the CLEANING.....

what on God's green Earth am I doing with all those dish clothes each and everyday. Could it be possible I just I have a dishcloth orgy (you know us stay at home moms), or perhaps I just drag them out to once again laugh at the absurdity of his annoyance. I couldn't possibly be doing any of that....what's it called....oh yeah, cleaning.

XOXO to #1,
from your other half


Anonymous 8:36 AM  

Sounds like you give the kids dish towels to play with each day too me. Poor Eric has to clean up all those dish towels. :)

Anonymous 9:02 AM  

LOL! One day you should not use any dish clothes so he can see what the kids look like when he walks in the door! :)

Kristen 4:53 PM  

I totally laughed out loud reading this!

And tell Eric, that at our household, there is literally a WHOLE drawer in the kitchen that just holds washclothes to clean the kids. There is an entirely different WHOLE drawer that holds dish clothes.

Great post!

Jus 8:05 AM  

ha! Matti once walked in and innocently asked why there are alwasy dishes when he gets home.....He wont ask again.

I explained that as shocking as it may sound- we prepare, serve and clear two meals a day for 5 people WHILE HE IS AT WORK!

I think I also said something along the lines of "well you know I I love ouring pasta sauce over a bunch of dishes right before you get home just to annoy you ;) "

Anne 10:36 AM  

Glad my "misery" makes you all smile. :)

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