Saturday, March 8

just trying to convince the kids

just trying to convince the kids, originally uploaded by Anne A.

that since I'm better we are ALL now better...completely healthy---not missing school, not puking, not coughing, not sneezing, not needing kleenex & gingerale, not whining, not too hot or too cold, not having to watch TV on "their" channels ALL day long, not needing treats, uhmmm bribes, to let me have peace, not popping tylenol like it's smarties, not eating soup or saltines, no thermometers or fevers, no blankets and all day jammies....just happy, and healthy (oh, I guess I said that)


Anonymous 9:59 AM  

Glad everyone's feeling better!!!

Jus 10:19 PM  

I love the new banner - feels new and retro at the same time ;)

Jamie 1:11 AM  

maybe i need to make some we are better cupcakes...because it's definitely debateable this weekend! please no more sickies...bring on the spring!

Anonymous 10:14 AM  

Glad you are better!
Umm, so when do I a cupcake?

Anonymous 10:14 AM  

Glad you are better!
Umm, so when do I a cupcake?

Kristen 4:07 PM  

Glad to hear you are feeling better! And I think cupcakes are just what the doctor orders for really any *issue*!!

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