Friday, February 4

february 3rd

February 3rd We made it!!

Two kids with cases of strep throat, an ice storm, a blizzard, an airport that was all but closed—all in the week before our planned trip to St John. Clearly, a vacation isn’t worth missing in our book.
So why St John? Well lots of little reasons really:
US owned so no need for a passport
Majority of the Island is owned by the National Parks
We found a great deal on airfare and the perfect accommodations
But to be honest, I was and am a bit nervous to come to St John. Most of you know about our love affair with the tiny island off of Puerto Rico, called Vieques. We’ve visited the island 3 times. The first time was our honeymoon and then twice more with the kids. What if we come to St John and then realize that the island that feels so much like home, isn’t as great as we thought.
Travel day came and luckily everything worked out! One of the ONLY flights to leave Chicago after the blg blizzard. A lovely ferry ride across the ocean to the tiny island of St John. We ate dinner at a local restaurant, The Fish Trap and drove 45 minutes across the tiny island to Concordia. Now friends, if you thought we were a bit like Swiss Family Robinson (which I was flattered at the thought,really) then upon seeing our accommodations you will have no doubt! I’ll share more later, but it is truly a tree house on the side of a hill overlooking the ocean. Bliss for us! Tomorrow will be a day to relax and get a good dose of vitamin d!


mitzi 11:50 PM  

I still visit your blog and I can not wait to see pictures of your tree house accommodations! Your vacations look like so much fun. My kids are not as outdoors-y. Oh, the whining we would hear! Have fun!

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