Saturday, August 28

does she miss them?


As the school year gets into a routine, I'm always asked just how much Claire misses her brother and sister through the day. It's asked in just such a way that really leaves no doubt in the questioners voice that it might not be possible to imagine how the little one could continue on without the guidance of Graham and Ella.

If only they could see her as she slowly wakes up in the morning. Yawning, taking in the morning while still snuggled in bed.

"Mom. Where are Graham and Ella??" as I answer she begins to smile.

" if they are at school it means it is just a me and you day?" and she sweetly smiles and she snuggles in a bit closer.

Then she tells me "You're the guest! You get to choose what to do!"

and she continues "How about we have a candy picnic, or play barbies."

And, of course I reply with surprise, wondering just how she knew her "guest" would want to spend the whole day long playing barbies and having candy picnics.

missing them? not so much.


Laura Gates 9:59 AM  

Such a sweet photo.
My Zanna never did mind getting Mommy all to herself, either!

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